Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Enthusiasts Discuss the Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

People who have embraced the raw food lifestyle believe that subscribing to a raw food diet is beneficial to one’s body inside and out. They believe that eating raw food may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses and help the body deal well with age-related conditions.

Recent studies show that cooking can improve the ability for the body to absorb nutrients found in the skins and seeds of certain whole foods because cooking begins to break down those hard-to-digest parts of food. The beauty of The Vita-Mix Super 5200 is that this amazing machine has the ability to break through the cell walls of whole foods--even those that are hardest to digest—without the need for high temperatures. Rupturing the cell walls makes the nutrients that may help prevent and fight diseases more bioavailable.
Many books highlight the benefits of a raw food and living food diet. Listed below are a few that we have reviewed:

Natalia Rose, author of Raw Food Life Force Energy: Enter a Totally New Stratosphere of Weight Loss, Beauty, and Health and The Raw Food Detox Diet, discusses raw food as an aid to detoxifying the body and achieving greater energy, clearer skin and shiner hair. Alissa Cohen promotes a raw and living food diet as an excellent way to help turn back the hands of time and regain youthful energy in her book “Living on Live Food.” Tonya Zavasta, another raw food advocate and author of several raw food books including Beautiful on Raw and 100 Days to 100% Raw outlines the many ways in which raw foods may help people look and feel their most beautiful by rejuvenating the body form the inside out. Victoria Boutenko explores the beauty of the green smoothie as the best way for people on a raw food diet—or any diet—to consume antioxidant-rich leafy greens in her book “Green for Life.”

Specific medical concerns may be helped by a raw food diet. Several studies, books and articles on specific topics are cited below:
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A raw vegetable juice fasting may help alleviate some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis according to an article in the Folk Medicine Journal. Osteoarthritis may also be improved

Colon Cancer: According to a study published in the journal Epidemiology, an increase in the consumption of raw fruits which are high in antioxidants may help reduce the risk for colon cancer.

Diabetes: Sergio Boutenko, one of the members from the well known “Raw Family” helped fight juvenile diabetes with a raw food diet. After Sergio and his family spent several months on a raw food diet he says, “My [diabetes] symptoms had completely disappeared and my weight continued to drop.”

Migraines: Dr. Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute, an institute dedicated to alternative medicine, says, “A diet very low in fat, protein, and grain products while using large amounts of fresh raw vegetable juices and other raw food helps migraine headaches.”

Colitis: Paul Nison, a raw food chef and author of Raw Food I and Raw Food II suffered from colitis, and he was told it was incurable. According to Nison, “Since going 100% raw, I feel better than ever and have become increasingly inspired about life.”

* Note: "None of this information is to be taken in lieu of competent medical advisement. If you are under the care of a physician consult them about adding these things as a adjunct to your current treatment."


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