The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs

To participate in the group cleanse online the link is here.

Of course, this information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, and if you have a disease you should seek advice from a licensed health professional, but there is a much more important point here. We are all responsible for our own health. Licensed health professionals can diagnose and prescribe, but in the end it is ourselves who must decide to follow the prescription or not. Therefore, I urge you to learn about nutrition and health so that you can make informed decisions to preserve or regain your vibrant good health. Toward that end, this blog is dedicated to your education and ability to UPGRADE~U.

Below is a brief summary of some points for doing the Master Cleanse,
  • Why does detoxification promote weight loss?
  • What can you expect on the cleanse?
  • Which days are the roughest?
  • Is the salt water flush essential?
  • What does the cayenne pepper do?
  • What to do when it seems nothing is happening?
  • How does the Master Cleanse affect women?
  • What is the best indication that the cleanse is complete?
  • What are the five detox symptoms and why are they important?
  • What tends to cause headaches on the cleanse?
  • What quantities of the ingredients do you need to buy?
  • Why should the maple syrup be organic?
  • Can you exercise while on the cleanse?
  • What about quitting smoking?
For a minimum of 10 days, you drink only the lemonade mixture, made with (preferrably) organic grade B maple syrup, fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice, and cayenne pepper added to distilled water.

Pure maple Syrup, Cayenne pepper, lemons and distilled water are all available in the Commissary.  

*** Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet Recipe
"2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)
2 Tbsp genuine [organic grade B] maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
water, medium hot [or cold if preferred] (distilled water)" 

Breaking Your Fast

Breaking a long fast is very, very important. You should ease your way back to solid food after two additional days of orange or grapefruit juice. If you are going back to raw fruits and vegetables, you may do so on the afternoon of the third day. If you have been a meat eater and/or milk products consumer, shift to home-cooked vegetable soup for dinner the second night and lunch the third day with a salad for dinner.
You may keep the lemonade drink as your breakfast drink after that. Of course, you would do better with the least amount of meat and no milk products as they are very productive of mucus and hinder digestion and absorption of nutrients.

It is strongly recommend you take probiotics AFTER you finish breaking your cleanse to replace the good bacteria you lose when you clean your colon thoroughly. These good bacteria manufacture vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, and K and help control bad bacteria, such as Candida. By the way, don't waste your money taking probiotics during the cleanse. They'll just get washed out. Do it after the cleanse.

Detox Symptoms

Detoxifying literally means removing poisons from your body. Once these poisons are gone, you will feel energetic, vital, happy and healthy. It is the poisons that make us feel tired, mentally confused, irritable, unhappy, depressed and ill. Consequently you should look forward to detoxification.
Unfortunately, when the toxins are mobilized, they will bring about those unpleasant feelings and tempt you to quit the cleanse before you are through. So, you need to understand the symptoms of detoxification and ensure that you drink your laxative tea and salt water to stimulate elimination of those toxins.
My experience with the cleanse and with various people doing it has taught me that whatever symptom I experienced one day, it would be gone the next morning with my bowel movements. It is nevertheless helpful to know when you are detoxifying because it helps you to get through that symptom to know it will be gone tomorrow.
I have grouped the detox symptoms I and others have had into five groups:
  1. Cravings: Only 1 person in 4 experiences any hunger on this cleanse and drinking more lemonade or water handles usually handles that. I have, however, observed that people on the cleanse crave what they are detoxifying. Proof that this is true is that the cravings usually go away the next morning with bowel movements. You can crave anything when detoxifying, but most likely you will experience cravings for the most toxic foods, such as pizza, hamburgers, barbeque ribs, etc. The way to tell if it's a craving rather than true hunger is to imagine sitting down to a large, green salad. If that inspires you, you're hungry. If all you want is pizza; if that is all you can think about; then, you're experiencing a craving.
  2. Tiredness: When your body fights toxins, whether from detoxifying or an infection, it diverts energy into healing and away from the energy you use to work and play. On my first 20 day cleanse, I was not tired except on the fifteenth day. The next morning, I experienced heat in my bowel movements, an indication that acidic toxins were being eliminated. I also lost all sense of tiredness after that morning's eliminations.
  3. Irritability: This includes boredom and the desire to "just chew something solid".
  4. Physical aches, pains, nausea, vomiting, etc.: These are the most severe reactions and only occur where a person is severely toxic, only a small percentage of people experience these. Fortunately, these have gone away after only a day or two in every case I have heard about.
  5. Hot bowel movements: Your body wastes are acidic and when you eliminate the most toxic ones, they actually feel anywhere from warm to burning. This experience is very infrequent, but worth mentioning because hot bowel movements after a day of heavy detox symptoms will confirm that you just eliminated significant toxins.

A Special Note on Headaches

In talking to people doing the cleanse, I've learned that people with caffeine addiction (coffee, soft drinks, etc.) may experience headaches for the first 2 to 4 days.


  1. I mix up what we need for the day -
    3/4 cup each lemon juice & maple syrup
    1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (to taste)
    & 60 oz of water.
    Then I can grab a glass as I want.

  2. Just finished 10 days - feel great! Would like to continue longer, but have guests coming in town. Looking forward to OJ today and veggie soup tomorrow night!


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