Mono Eating for me, myself and I

I really like when I get in the mood to eat mono meals.  It is an indicator to me that my body wants a rest from all that digesting and combined food.  This week I have been doing mono meals.  I had a day of saturn peaches, a day of watermelons as well as watermelon juice and tomorrow I will do cantelopes or cherries.  I was asked about what the benefits or the reasons that someone would eat a mono meal.  I am not one for studies or things like that when it comes to my temple.  My temple and I together determine what is good for us..We may eat vegetarian, or vegan while in a third world country cause its not safe to eat raw, (yes, I realize I am speaking about me myself and I in the third person)  work with us!  hee hee hee. 

In any event, we are very flexible in our nourishment style because of the timeframes and locations we often find ourself in.  Mono eating is perfect when you find yourself in Sicily and there are persimmons in season or citrus fruits or grapes. YUMMEE!

but as far as looking at common sence reasoning (which I am more prone to)  I find this explanation so close to home.

Hope you take that opportunity to mono eat a meal here and there.  It was how I found out my grandson was not well suited to dairy.

Eat live and live well.  I am Chef Vee and I am RAWsome


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