Bach Flower Remedies

From the tour on 8 Jan 2011, the Tea house owner is a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner.  You can check all over online to get more information and broaden your knowledge of these amazing holistic products and the results they can help you to obtain.

In the late 1920's, Dr. Edward Bach, a British scientist and physician observed that his patients states of mind were directly related to their physical ills. Dr. Bach noted that apprehension, worry, loneliness, boredom, depression, uncertainty, hopelessness and fear inhibited one's natural healing powers and ability to prevent disease. Unlike traditional medicines approach to treating only the symptoms, Bach believed that the way to truly cure an illness was to address the underlying emotional cause of the disease. After many years of researching the healing properties of plants, he developed 38 natural flower remedies to alleviate the negative states that he had identified.  These remedies are exceptional and can bring about results when other modalities have failed. BACH FLOWER remedies are designed for people who want to actively help themselves. Bach Flower remedies are simple flower remedies that were developed to heal mental and emotional imbalances. Dr. Bach believed that these mental and emotional imbalances prevented the healing of chronic ailments.


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